Присвоен рейтинг Казаньоргсинтез-2011-евро.

Присвоен рейтинг реструктуризованному займу Казаньоргсинтез-2011-евро на уровне LS3- (стабильный прогноз).
Присвоен рейтинг реструктуризованному займу Казаньоргсинтез-2011-евро на уровне LS3- (стабильный прогноз). Заемщик или отдельный долговой инструмент с рейтингом LS3 характеризуется очень низкой кредитоспособностью по сравнению с другими заемщиками или долговыми инструментами. Существует потенциальная очень высокая вероятность дефолта.

Подробнее на английском:
Muros Ratings has today announced that it assigned a long-term credit rating of LS3- with stable outlook to U.S.$200,000,000 9.25 per cent. Loan Participation Notes due 2011 issued by Kazanorgsintez S.A. on a limited recourse basis for the sole purpose of funding a loan to Kazan Open Joint Stock Company ‘‘Organichesky sintez’’ (incorporated in the Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan). In the course of the rating procedure Muros Ratings considered quarter financial statements according to the Russian standards of the Kazan Open Joint Stock Company ‘‘Organichesky sintez’’ for the year 2010, as well as the annual report for 2008, 2009; furthermore, the information gathered on the basis of comparable analysis, analysis of the information with procedures of checks and detailed information on shareholders, management (property belonging to the assets, participation, including in the past, in the capital of other companies and large transactions).

An obligor or a debt liability with LS3- credit rating is characterized with the very low creditworthiness as compared to other obligors or debt liabilities. There is a high level of default possibility. A stable outlook indicates that there are no anticipated reasons to change the rating in the course of the year.

In 2006 (11.10.2006) the company was not placed full amount of the loan (only U.S.$100,834,000). In 2009 this loan was defaulted. As a result of the restructuring: 1) the issuer of Eurobonds were redeemed an aggregate par value of $ 99,166 million at a price of 90% of the nominal value, 2) For the remaining outstanding securities coupon rate increased from 9.25% to 10%, maturity date changed from 30.10.2011 to 19.03.2015 and repealed the financial covenants (restrictions on the involvement of new debt, limiting the provision of security for financial liabilities). And also received the consent of owners of Eurobonds on the waiver requirements in connection with any event of default (an event of default) that occurred prior to March 16, 2010. Now there were payable for 7 coupons and nearest will be on 19.09.2011

For more information, please contact:
Press Room: press@murosgroup.com

Analysts: ratings@murosgroup.com
Phone: +7 383 380 20 34

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