New website of Vera Trifanova, Coloratura Soprano

At is a new site of Vera Trifanova, coloratura soprano. Apart from information common to such resources, such as the bioghraphy, the repertoire, concert schedule and photos, the site features a large number of the recordings and videos of the singer`s concert performances in avi, mp3, mpeg and wma formats.
At is a new site of Vera Trifanova, coloratura soprano. Apart from information common to such resources, such as the bioghraphy, the repertoire, concert schedule and photos, the site features a large number of the recordings and videos of the singer`s concert performances in avi, mp3, mpeg and wma formats.

Among those are such classical coloratura arias as Mozart`s Koenigin Der Nacht, Hofman`s Olympia, R. Strauss` Zerbinetta, Johan Strauss` Adele as well as such jewels of oratorial and baroque music as Handel`s Gloria In Excelsis Deo, Pergolesi`s Stabat Mater, Bach`s Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen and Melani`s cantata Qual mormorio giocondo.

Vera Trifanova graduated cum laude from the Mannheim Opera School in Germany. While she was studying there, in 2003, she became a finalist of the Viotii contest in Italy, then a semi-finalist of the Queen Elizabeth contest in Belgium in 2004 and debuted in the opera theater in Baden-Baden and Heidelberg Staatstheater.

The singer often takes her opera and baroque programmes on the road with orchestras directed by such conductors as Klaus Arp, Heinz-Rüdiger Drengemann, Klaus Eisenmann, Ronald Techet, Peter Schumann, Markus Zepp and Volker Christ.

At a jubilee festival in Zwingenberg in 2007, Vera performed the aria of Koenigin Der Nacht in Mozarts`s Die Zauberflute. The next year she performed in the premiere of «Hands in the cave» by the contemporary composer Carola Gribari in Heidelberg.

This year Vera Trifanova is graduating from the Musikhochschule Mannheim post-graduate department.

Her site features articles in the German Press covering her work. Below are some excerpts from these publications.

«Eine Paradepartie für die russische Koloratursopranistin Vera Trifanova, die den mörderischen Koloraturen gestochen klares Profil, furiosen Schwung und glitzernde Klangschönheit gab. Hohe Präsenz,
virtuose Attacke verband sie dabei mit großer Musikalität. (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 07.08.2007)

«Eine ganz grosse Freude bedeutete der Auftritt der aus Moskau stammenden Sopranistin Vera Trifanova ,deren Domaene die Operette ist....Die stimme hat einen sehr beachtlichen Tonumfang und ein ausgeglichenes,sehr schoen klingendes Timbre in allen Lagen und allen Staerkegraden mit Schallkraft, Tragfaehigkeit und Resonanz.... Sie sang einfuehlsam wie ein Engel und selbstbewusst wie eine Koenigin». (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 09.12.2008)

«Die russische Sopranistin Vera Trifanova ist eine Virtuosin, die das Schwierigste mit der größten Leichtigkeit und Brillanz singt». (Darmstadter Echo, 08.01.2007)

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